As part of the project, works will be undertaken along a section of Bridge Road, between Wattle Street and Wentworth Park Road to streamline traffic management in the local area and improve road safety.
Bridge Road works commenced in mid-2023 and are ongoing. The works are being carried out in two stages and will deliver:
improved and widened shared footpath areas
drop-off and pick-up areas for buses and taxis
easier access in and out of the new Sydney Fish Market
improved traffic, pedestrian, and cyclist management
improved surfaces, street lighting and landscaping.
Stage 1 works are complete. Activities included underground relocation of existing services and utilities to within the site boundary and reconfiguration of the Wentworth Park Road and Bridge Road intersection.
Stage 2 works will commence Saturday 24 August 2024 and will take several months (final stages of works are anticipated for March 2025). This work will streamline access to the new Sydney Fish Market on Bridge Road, between the intersections of Wattle Street and Wentworth Park Road.
Key activities include:
upgrading the intersection of Bridge Road and Wentworth Park Road to include traffic lights, access to the new Sydney Fish Market driveway and signalised pedestrian crossing at all legs
widening Bridge Road adjacent to the new Sydney Fish Market to allow for delineated bus and taxi pick-up and drop-off zones
extension of the right-hand turn lane from Bridge Road into Wattle Street
establishment of a right-hand turn lane from Bridge Road into the new Sydney Fish Market
drainage, kerb, road surface and line marking works, as well as renewed street lighting and landscaping.
Register to receive ongoing works notifications via email, including schedules and details of upcoming works.
All Bridge Road works will be undertaken under the parameters of the following plans:
Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan - Bridge Road works (February 2024)
In 2023, Multiplex carried out works to upgrade the power supply for the new Sydney Fish Market. These works involved trenching and installing conduit and cabling along a 1.8km route from Lyons Road in Camperdown to the site in Bridge Road, Glebe.
Works included saw cutting the top layer of pavement, followed by trenching, duct installation and temporary pavement restoration.